Friday, June 24, 2011


The claritin had no effect on either my hands or my throat..bummer. Mom says cortisone should work but.... I don't really wanna have that stuff on my hands, how will I type?

So I've been pretty much a bum the last few days, but if I can remember to do it before eating a bunch of food I will do more cartwheels. Tomorrow however is Sagami-Tei and I am going to eat so much stinky roll!!!!!! Garlic? heck yes.

Oh we watched The Frightners today. Crazy chicks are craaaaaaaaaaazy. Also saw Trolls 2 which was really stupid. Bad funny stupid I guess? That's not enough to keep me particularly interested in a movie but I know it does for some other people.

The girls have left me and gone to France to eat delicious. ::sparkley eyes:: me jelly. Hamster greeted me with wheel running noises...actually it beats nothing but that wheel is coming off while I sleep.

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