Thursday, July 21, 2011

i'm back!

Oh sweet sweet internet, how I missed you so. Things are looking up! I have a quiz tomorrow so we shall see....I'm really rather sleepy though it be only 8:20. Someone feed me.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


I'm still trying to get my own internet ::sad::

So yesterday I got my modem and I was like bam! I'm set! But lo and behold I get no connection and therefore can't complete the activation. I decided to get up at 7:30 today so I could call comcast while they're open and so I have time to go to school. The man says it may be that my cable was switched off because previous rentor didn't pay, or that my wiring was jacked up. (the latter means I have to pay for it) The solution is that tomorrow, the cable man will come check things 7:30 am ::cry::. What else can I do, I gots school.

Fine whatever, I gotted me a bagel for breakfast, that's cool right?

Well I was scheduled (1pm, I was seen at 1:10) for my 3rd shot in the hep B vaccination series and instead the nurse tells me that they want a surface antigen test and no I can't have the shot because it'll interfere with the test. They don't draw blood at school so I had to hoof it right then to the UCSF clinic thing on post street. Got there 1:40, seen at.. 1:50 or 2 (walk in). That lady must have had a fat needle for the blooddrawing cuz owwwww. And then on the walk home it felt like I had a bruise and someone was poking it!!!!! OWWWW. Late to class.

Alright! 5 o clock rolls around and it's time for bootcamp......
I guess placing my lunchbag in my clothes bag was a terrible idea (my locker is only so small!!!) because my tshirt aaand pants had a 4 inch diameter water spot on them!!! In different places because they were folded grrrrrr. My bootcamp mates were like,,,, why do you have circles... grah.

I like to complain. Aside from weird happenings the day was pretty normal. Time to take another minute shower, it seems to be picking up speed (yeah...normal ;_;). Come on landlord, where's that plumber. He okayed the kittehs but I haven't heard word from the rescue yet. Lessee Wondercat Rescue.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

my neighbors visited tonight

Haha if it were that simple.

Tonight in the middle of talking with Josh online, I happened to glance out my window due to movement. Never does a Steph expect to see TWO KITTY FACES STARING AT HER. What could I do but open the window and pet them <3<3<3<3. Then the calico hopped into my apt. Teehee, that's ok, I kinda wanted that to happen. She then proceeded to ::own:: rub everything in my apartment. Well gee kitty greedy much? Meanwhile kitty number two looked through the window and paced a little like "OMG CALICO WTF ARE YOU DOING".

Anywho this was fun for 5 minutes.... and then I started thinking @.@ what is my neighbor gonna think ( I knew neighbor had a kitty and the window there was open along with food bowls). Ok kitty time to go outside, I led her to the window and she looked at me.... and turned around and went back to rubbing. -_-. I don't blame her, it was really cold outside hahahaha. When she went in my closet I decided ehhhhh let's not rub all my clothes and picked her up but she came attached to my laptop case so while I tried to dislodge her from it, she tried to dislodge from my and unfortunately I've a scratch on my leg. Ok kitty time to go ::point:: ::kitty wanders around:: . HMMMM. At one point scaredy cat gets gutsy and hops in a sniffs a bit. I tapped on the window and scaredy cat went oki and hopped out, awww. I said "see kitty? now you go out" ::kitty goes into kitchen instead::

Then I had the brilliant idea: let's interest kitty with my broom!!
::shakey shakey:: ::interest piqued:: ::shakey outside window:: ::sit and sniff the floor like she isn't paying attention::

Now that I was having a stare down at the window with calico I heard a "oh she's in the other apartment" and my neighbor gal was out on the balcony. So I tried to apologize for stealing her cat and she was like ack sorry, bad kitty. I told her no I like kitties and apparently she has 3. Me jelly.

I wonder if it's all a sign, you too, Steph, could have kitty running around your apt, rub owning your everything. ::sparkley eyes:: Time to call the landlord.

Saturday, July 9, 2011

Super late

Those cookies turn out soft and chewy! Phuong approved. My mom was like, can you cook them a little longer? and Phuong goes what? you like them hard? Yes.


All these years, we thought she made cookies that way because she didn't know hoow to make cookies.

I tried to clean Daniel's teeth the past tuesday but sleep on the floor hit so hard I couldn't barely move...and i was a quarter of the way into the procedure. -_-

I have returned to SF and it is COLD. It was so warm in socal, sigh. School restarts in two days.

I feel pretty normal...with moments of panic. Also a headache from lack of sleep, EFF HAMSTER! There is no need to marathon all night!!! My aunt said: "speaking of bulgogi, how's daniel?" Haha.