Friday, July 23, 2010


Today was aweeesome. We got out at 1. Lunch and learn gave us pizza too so I was fed. I got really hyper so Seewan kept saying that I was crazy >.> uh oh, I think they're catching on. Then maybe I would have gone into lab, except the 2nd years had it till 5 so I left. Picked up the tailoring and then met Michael in Japan Town. It was so much fun!!!! With a million Steph type shops. We even had subpar sushi at a boat conveyor sushi haha. After that we found milk tea of all things! (well bubble milk tea) Note: due to massive not eating, I don't think my stomach recognizes much as food right now >.> geh. I was gonna post pictures but there were way too many to choose from, so head on over to picasa! They had Hana Yori Dango Dvd's!!!!! The whole first season for 15$ ;_; but it wasn't subtitled. so close yet so far.

Oh and today's google is an Alphonse Mucha. It's rare to find an artist I like but I like this stuff!!


  1. Blogger has a button that helps you make a link. So your readers wouldn't have to copy and paste the link, they can just click on it. Furthermore, you can set the hyperlink text. For example, I don't know what that youtube video was too (of course I copied and pasted anyways: awesome!) but you could have the hyperlink text read "Isobune conveyor video on YouTube."

    Just in case, Instructions for doing so by example:
    1) In your post, type "Isobune conveyor video on YouTube."
    2) Copy the link. In this case ""
    2) Highlight the words you want to serve as the hyperlink text. For example, you can just have "Isobune conveyor video," "conveyor video," "Isobune conveyor video on YouTube," etc.
    3) Then click the link button.
    4) Paste the link from step 2.
    5) Click ok.
    6) All done!

    I don't know if you use Edit Html or Compose mode...

  2. I did it!!! hyperlink achieved
