Wednesday, July 14, 2010


Biochem right after lunchtime is roooough. Today I got duped in a raffle ;_; and now I have to present a review of lecture 7 after it happens in Restorative. ::cry:: I knew he was being fishy. Anne forgotted about me today so I was after school for extra... but i got some cleaning done and fought with my locker. I wonder if it's possible to get that thing changed. I swears I will do that combination 10 times before I get it to open, literally. The last time I was so tired I had my head leaning on the locker in defeat while i twisted away.

Oh! today I learned I am an IS T/F J on that personality quiz thing. Not too far off. Ohhhhhhhhhhhh! Today we drew pictures of a crown prep, and then they threw tools in our hands and said have at! use the pictures as reference and no we wont tell you when to use what. ahahahahaha. I didn't get very far, my lab space isn't properly stocked yet so i had to get to my locker, plus i didn't want to have a nub for a tooth. This is what it ought to look like for those not in the know. whee.

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